Antialiasing and Color mapping in VRay 1. This article is written for V Ray 3d rendering plugin version 1. You may find that some particular interface options have different names, are implemented elsewhere, or not applicable for the newest V Ray and another software. Regardless of that, current article is written in educational story style and can be useful for anyone interested in 3d rendering concepts and methods. To get the up to date interface manual for your software, please refer to the official documentation. This tutorial tells about the settings of the VRay tab of the Render Scene F10 window and answers the following questions What are the best universal settings. What are 3D and 3D Movies. D threedimensional means something that has width, height and depth length. It is a concept relative to 2D something only has width. CNC CAD CAM Software ConstruCAM 3D Erstellen 3D Relief aus Foto 3D Foto Photo Frsen gravieren cnc router, routing, photo engraver, sexy girl ConstruCAM. HmP-74/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Best Software For 2D To 3D Conversion Tutorial' title='Best Software For 2D To 3D Conversion Tutorial' />Welcome to intro introduction tutorial about OpenGL. This starting tutorial for absolute beginners is tailored to understanding of basic 3D principles. Its pretty. In this 2015 article we list the best free Windows programs available from Microsoft. This is the place to put details of software packages that are useful for RepRap like CAD programs, but that are not part of the RepRap project itself. ImTOO 3D Movie Converter offers you easy way to convert all kinds of 2D video to 3D video RedCyan Anaglyph 3D, SBS 3D, TopBottom 3D with great quality. ImTOO Video Converter is an easy to use program that lets you edit and convert video, audio, and animated images. Its key feature includes the creation of a 3D video. D Converter Aiseesoft 3D Video Converter is the most professional 2D3D converter, which can convert 2D videos to 3D video, 3D to 2D and 3D to other 3D modes. This tutorial tells about the settings of the V Ray tab of the Render Scene F1. What are the best universal settings for V Ray interior rendering How to setup Vray for good exterior renderings What is the optimal settings combination for quality V Ray product visualization How to make the basic start AA settings setup for Vray render Universality myths. Hi everybody. In this tutorial, we will look into the one of the fundamental and, probably, the most controversial and frequently raised subjects in the 3d rendering. It is the rendering engine setup. We will setup the V Ray renderer for 3ds Max. Among the many of 3d artists, especially the beginners, the two contrast myths about universal V Ray setups exist. One believes there are some simple setups, which are carefully hided from them by professionals by keeping the tuning secrets in a strict confidence. Only the chosen people know the secret checkboxes and values that allow creating realistic 3d renderings, which hit the awards and admiration of the all observers. That there supposedly are some settings, just like the magic wand, which by checking some ticks in covert places lets to have the amazing results despite the actual quality of the 3d models, correct lighting setup or beauty and realism of the present scene composition. Other think there is no any magic and all you need is the long and difficult work with the renderer parameters for each new scene. That firstly you need to run the rendering in a test mode, with the visible samples of the V Ray sampler on and, by a sample map, long and boringly try the optimal settings to soften and eliminate aliasing to loose the much time for trying than to start the competently tuned rendering. Then to begin the Irradiance map calculation with the enabled Show calc. Best Software For 2D To 3D Conversion Tutorial' title='Best Software For 2D To 3D Conversion Tutorial' />Irradiance map sample passes, supposedly controlling the calculation process and many other shamanistic superstitions. Curiously enough, but there are no really universal one size fits all setups. Like, actually, the separate settings for interior and exterior as well. But, there are some hints and tricks, which you will learn from this tutorial and there is nothing difficult in them and they all will be explained. Start V Ray settings. At first, we have to make clear that there are starter settings, that may be beginning of the any rendering, for not to draw our attention each time to any possibly incorrect options. We got to fully concentrate on the actual scene setup. Only in some situations, when the rendering has some parasitic artifacts, we need some slight tuning to get rid of them. This is true not for V Ray only, but is an absolute concept for any rendering application. To tell the truth, the correctly set lighting with a good scene geometry almost never give the unwanted surprises on the rendering, and in most cases you dont need to set anything but final resolution. Just this like starter settings, that are really universal in 8. Getting started. So. Press the F1. 0 button to bring the Render Scene window up. What Is Frame Blending In Adobe Media Encoder Download. Similarly, we can go to the Rendering option of the main 3ds Max menu, and choose the first Render item from the appeared there list. Now we have the one of the most important tools and interfaces of the any 3d rendering artist opened. Before beginning the work on the setting up V Ray, we surely have to set it as a default rendering engine. Just go to the tab named Common and open the Assign Renderer rollout. The items of this rollout allow setting the rendering engine for rendering, displaying the materials in Material Editor, and the renderer for the specific real time or pseudo real time engine for rendering the scene right in the viewport. Click the ellipsis. Production and near the Material Editor if the lock button is released and choose V Ray from the showed list. The screenshot of the V Ray Frame Buffer rollout of V Ray tab that is in the 3ds Max Render Scene window. Here present the three options and the one Save as Defaults button. The options are Production, Material Editor, and Active. Shade. To set the V Ray as a default rendering engine and to not do this each time 3ds Max starts, surely we need to press the lower big Saveas. Defaults button. V Ray Frame Buffer rollout. The first thing that should be done to begin the actual V Ray renderer setup is the activation of the specialized V Ray Frame Buffer, which completely replaces and excels by functionality the integrated standard 3ds max frame buffer. It may be found at the same named rollout of the V Ray Render scene window. To enable V Ray Frame Buffer, the option Enable built in frame buffer must be checked. The using of the V Ray Frame Buffer greatly eases the work with the V Ray by its functionality and convenience, as well as eliminates the possible misunderstandings with gamma correction. In addition, it is important to leave active the Get resolution from MAX function. This step can free us from the need to constantly go to the V Ray tab, rollout V Ray Frame. Buffer and set there a needed rendering resolution. The screenshot of the V Ray Frame Buffer rollout of V Ray tab that is in the 3ds Max Render Scene window. Here present the two options Enable built in Frame Buffer, Render to memory frame buffer Show last VFB button and three sections. They are the Output resolution with the Get resolution from MAX checkbox, V Ray image file and Split render channels. The V Ray raw image and Split render channels are responsible for forming the formats, which needed for postproduction using the compositing software, and they will be learned from the separate tutorial on rendering the render elements passes and compositing the cool realistic final image from them. Anyway, the postproduction using the Render elements is an unusual way to obtain the final rendering and it has nothing to do with the universal V Ray settings. That is why we may leave these functions this time. V Ray Global switches rollout. The next in line is a V Ray Globalswitches rollout, it contains the parameters of the global scene influence. They are presence or disabling the displacement, reflections, refractions, old cameras, light sources, Sky map compatibility, global material override look the Shaded wireframe rendering tutorial, and so on. This rollout is configured correctly originally and there is nothing needs to be changed. The one exiting parameter that may get ones attention is the Reflectionrefraction parameter. This option is responsible for the global activation or deactivation the reflections and refractions in the scenematerials. Even if the materials have the tuned reflections or refractions, the deactivation of this parameter will lead to complete absence of those. The screenshot of the V Ray Global switches rollout of V Ray tab that is in the 3ds Max Render Scene window. D Printed Record 8 Steps with Pictures. First I prepared some test files to print to get an idea of what is possible with the printer and optimize the dimensions of the grooves. These record files have circular grooves on them containing sine waves of various frequencies, amplitudes, groove depths, groove widths, and beveled groove edges. When I say that the groove contained a sine wave, I mean the bottom of the groves moves up and down in a sinusoidal pattern around the record. I generated all of these files in Processing using the Model. Builder library to export straight to STL. TEST ONE My first test record had 7. I tested two frequencies of sine waves 1. Hz at 3. 3RPM5. 00 cycles per revolution 2. Hz at 3. 3RPMI tested a few different amplitudes, depths, and groove widths for these frequencies and gave each groove a constant bevel size of 2px on each side you can see in fig 5 how the edges of the groove flare outward. I printed the record in Objets Vero Clear material, this material is a fairly hard, clear resin. I printed the file with the smooth setting to prevent any support material from being deposited in the grooves. Unfortunately, when I was ready to make this print we were having some problems with power in our shop, so I had to use another Objet machine that was not set up for high resolution printing the best I could do was 3. DPI XY resolution with 3. Z steps. This is half the resolution that each of these axes is capable of, meaning the print came out at 123, or 18th resolution overall. The results are shown in the video below the grooves were not deep enough to keep the needle inside, so I had to hold in it place with my hand. The record was also a little big for my record player, I decreased the diameter of my STL file to 1. In this video you can hear a periodic frequency sweep on top of the steady sine wave best heard w headphones. This sweeping sound is caused by the needle moving over the thousands of tiny parallel bumps in the print caused by adjacent print heads on the Objet machine. This noise is unavoidable, but increasing the strength of the signal will help to make it less noticeable. The Processing sketch that generated this record is given below sine tests. Amanda Ghassaei. https www. D Printed Record. This program is free software you can redistribute it andor modify. GNU General Public License as published by. Free Software Foundation either version 3 of the License, or. UVertex. List record. Perimeter. Upper,record. Perimeter. Lower,record. Hole. Upper,record. Hole. Lower storage for perimeter and center hole of record. UVertex. List last. Edge storage for conecting one groove to the next. UGeometry geo storage for stl geometry. Iter 1. 00. 00 how many values of theta per cycle. Hole 0. 2. 86 diameter of center hole in inches. Rad 2. 3. 5 radius of innermost groove in inches. Rad 5. 7. 5 radius of outermost groove in inches. Spacing 2. 0 pixel spacing of grooves. Height 0. 0. 8 height of record in inches. Bottom 0 height of bottom of record. Width 1,2,3 in 6. Num TWOPItheta. Iter calculcate inrementation amount. Num 0 variable for keeping track of how long this will take. UGeometry place to store geometery of verticies. Up. Variables convert units, initialize etc. Up. Record. Shape draw basic shape of record. Grooves draw in grooves. STLthis, test. stl write stl file from geomtery. Up. Variables. Per. Inch 2. 54. Per. Layer 1. Spacing dpi. bevel dpi. Per. Layermicrons. Per. Inch. depthi depthimicrons. Per. Layermicrons. Per. Inch. groove. Widthi dpi. void set. Up. Record. Shape. Perimeter. Upper new UVertex. List. record. Perimeter. Lower new UVertex. List. record. Hole. Upper new UVertex. List. record. Hole. Lower new UVertex. List. get verticies. TWOPI thetaincr. Num. X diameter2diameter2ostheta. Y diameter2diameter2intheta. Perimeter. Upper. X,perimeter. Y,record. Height. record. Perimeter. Lower. addperimeter. X,perimeter. Y,record. Bottom. center hole. Hole. X diameter2inner. Hole2ostheta. Hole. Y diameter2inner. Hole2intheta. Hole. Upper. addcenter. Hole. X,center. Hole. Y,record. Height. Hole. Lower. addcenter. Hole. X,center. Hole. Y,record. Bottom. Perimeter. Upper. Perimeter. Lower. Hole. Upper. close. Hole. Lower. close. Striprecord. Hole. Upper,record. Hole. Lower. geo. quad. Striprecord. Hole. Lower,record. Perimeter. Lower. geo. quad. Striprecord. Perimeter. Lower,record. Perimeter. Upper. to start, outer edge of record is the last egde we need to connect to with the outmost groove. Edge new UVertex. List. last. Edge. Perimeter. Upper. Num 0 variable for keeping track of how much longer this will take. Grooves. UVertex. List groove. Outer. Upper,groove. Outer. Lower,groove. Inner. Upper,groove. Inner. Lower groove verticies. Outer. Upper new UVertex. List. groove. Outer. Lower new UVertex. List. groove. Inner. Upper new UVertex. List. groove. Inner. Lower new UVertex. List. DRAW GROOVES. Rad outermost radius at 5. Index0 frequency. Indexlt 2 frequency. Index. forbyte amplitude. Index0 amplitude. Indexlt 3 amplitude. Index. forbyte groove. Depth. Index0 groove. Depth. Indexlt 2 groove. Depth. Index. Width. Index0 groove. Width. Indexlt 3 groove. Width. Index. Outer. Upper. reset. Outer. Lower. reset. Inner. Upper. reset. Inner. Lower. reset. TWOPI thetaincr. Numfor theta between 0 and 2pi. Theta sintheta. Theta costheta. Height record. Height depthgroove. Depth. Index amplitudeamplitude. Indexamplitudeamplitude. Indexinthetarequencyfrequency. Index. groove. Outer. Upper. adddiameter2radiusbevelosine. Theta,diameter2radiusbeveline. Theta,record. Height. Outer. Lower. adddiameter2radiusosine. Theta,diameter2radiusine. Theta,groove. Height. Inner. Lower. adddiameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Indexosine. Theta,diameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Indexine. Theta,groove. Height. groove. Inner. Upper. adddiameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Index bevelosine. Theta,diameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Index beveline. Theta,record. Height. Outer. Upper. Outer. Lower. close. Inner. Upper. close. Inner. Lower. close. Striplast. Edge,groove. Outer. Upper. geo. Stripgroove. Outer. Upper,groove. Outer. Lower. geo. quad. Stripgroove. Outer. Lower,groove. Inner. Lower. geo. quad. Stripgroove. Inner. Lower,groove. Inner. Upper. set new last edge. Edge. reset clear old data. Edge. addgroove. Inner. Upper. radius groove. Spacinggroove. Widthgroove. Width. Index set next radius. Num. printgroove. Num. println of 7. Spacing extra spacing. Spacing extra spacing. Spacing extra spacing. Spacing extra spacing. Striplast. Edge,record. Hole. Upper close remaining space between last groove and center hole. TEST TWO In my next test I made a record with 1. I made the grooves deeper, increase the bevel of each groove to equal half the amplitude of the sine wave, and tried out three different frequencies 5. I also tested different amplitudes 4, 8 and 1.