SWDVD5NTRLWin1. BITX6. 4Multi. LangLang. Pack. AllLIPX2. SWDVD9NTRLWin1. BitMulti. LangFOD1X2. Extracted the Windows 1. ISO and added to my MDT environment. Created a new Build and Capture Task Sequence and added a step to Add the. NET 3. 5 Framework Role. Remove unwanted modern applications. Enable the Windows Update steps. Using my existing build and capture environment I performed a build and capture to create an updated wim file with the latest updates. My build environment is as follows. Please dont use ADK 1. Server 1. Windows Server 2. R2 x. 64. MDT 8. 44. ADK 1. 60. 7Server 2. Windows Server 2. R2 x. 64. WSUSCustom Settings. SettingsPriorityDefaultDefaultSMSTSORGNAMEORGNAMEUser. Data. LocationNONEDo. CaptureYESOSInstallYJoin. WorkgroupWORKGROUPHide. ShellNOFinish. ActionSHUTDOWNDo. Not. Create. Extra. PartitionsYESApply. GPOPackNOWSUSServerhttp SERVERNAME 8. Skip. Apps. On. UpgradeYESSkip. Admin. PasswordYESSkip. Product. KeyYESSkip. Computer. NameYESSkip. Domain. MembershipYESSkip. User. DataYESSkip. Locale. SelectionYESSkip. Task. SequenceNOSkip. Computer. BackupYESSkip. Bit. LockerYESSkip. SummaryYESSkip. RolesYESSkip. CaptureNOSkip. Final. SummaryYESSkip. Time. ZoneYESSkip. ApplicationYESEvent. Servicehttp SERVERNAME 9. Im then importing the captured wim into my Configuration Manager 1. ADK 1. 60. 7 and MDT 8. The Task Sequence Im using is using MDT integration. Windows 1. 0 1. 70. Language is used. For my language pack to correctly be set as the display language and to avoid OOBE display language prompts my Unattend. For English Australia. Input. Locale 0c. Input. Locale lt System. Locale en AUlt System. Locale lt UILanguage en USlt UILanguage lt UILanguage. Fallback en USlt UILanguage. Fallback lt User. Locale en AUlt User. Locale oobe. System passlt Input. Cat Stevens Father And Son Download. Locale 0c. 09 0. Input. Locale lt System. Locale en AUlt System. Locale lt UILanguage en USlt UILanguage lt UILanguage. Fallback en USlt UILanguage. Fallback lt User. Locale en AUlt User. Locale lt OOBE lt Protect. Your. PC 3lt Protect. Your. PC lt Network. Location Worklt Network. Location lt Hide. EULAPage truelt Hide. EULAPage lt Hide. Wireless. Setup. In. OOBE truelt Hide. Wireless. Setup. In. OOBE lt Hide. Online. Account. Screens truelt Hide. Online. Account. Screens lt OOBE For Dutch. Input. Locale 0. Input. Locale lt System. Locale nl NLlt System. Locale lt UILanguage en USlt UILanguage lt UILanguage. Fallback en USlt UILanguage. Fallback lt User. Locale nl NLlt User. Locale oobe. System passlt Input. Locale 0. 41. Input. Locale lt System. Locale nl NLlt System. Locale lt UILanguage en USlt UILanguage lt UILanguage. Fallback en USlt UILanguage. Fallback lt User. Locale nl NLlt User. Locale lt OOBE lt Protect. Your. PC 3lt Protect. Your. PC lt Network. Location Worklt Network. Location lt Hide. EULAPage truelt Hide. EULAPage lt Hide. Wireless. Setup. In. OOBE truelt Hide. Wireless. Setup. In. OOBE lt Hide. Online. Account. Screens truelt Hide. Online. Account. Screens lt OOBE The main difference is that UILanguage needed to be changed to en US. When I initially had this set to en AU or en GB it would fail to change it during the specialize OOBE phase with 1. Updates to Task Sequence. To facilitate deploying Windows 1. Ive created two new packages. Windows 1. 0 1. 70. MDT Deploy Settings Package This contains my unattend. Windows 1. 0 1. 70. Language Pack Package This contains my language pack and additional feature on demand components to add text to speech etc support. This is not needed if you just wish to add multi lingual display support. For English Australia as per below. If your modifyingcopying an existing Task Sequence dont forget to also update the package setting in the Apply Operating System Image step so that your updated Unattend. Gather steps. To import the language pack I have done much the same as for 1. Results. The results are as follows with English Australia. I have confirmed that Office uses English Australia and that browser spelling support both en AU and en US. The results are as follows with Dutch For troubleshooting problems with language settings look at the Unattend. GC. log that is located at c WindowsPantherUnattend. GC. As an example where I have applied the Dutch nl NL language pack you can see that the settings have been processed successfully and logged. Oh and by the way indexing is now definitely fixed in 1. I applied this months May 2. CU for 1. 70. 3 and indexing continued to work Cheers.